Sofia Connect will be among the 140+ carriers attending Capacity Eurasia 2015 in Istanbul on 29th and 30th of September.
This year the annual event connecting the Eurasian carrier community will bring together more than 350 senior level attendees from global players and start-ups active in the Eurasian telecoms market.
Connecting East and West, organisations from Europe, Asia, Middle East, Russia and CIS will be represented offering a unique touch point for the Eurasian telecoms ecosystem to build on existing and new partnerships.
Attendees interested in how Sofia Connect connects the Caucasus and the Middle East to Europe are welcome to send a meeting request to Christian von der Ropp.

Meet the Sofia Connect team at EPF10 in Madrid, 21-23 September 2015

Support calls

Supervised operation by highly skilled network and system engineers.

Tel.: +359 242 00300

Working Hours:

*24 hours a day *7 days a week