Carrier Community is an exclusive global networking platform for wholesale carrier service providers. It was founded as a transparent platform to enhance business opportunities across the telecom industry’s various sectors such as voice, data, SMS, Mobile, VAS, ISP, Cable, and other related sectors. Community founders believe that the voluntary free exchange of contacts and information as well as organized annual networking events are core to the creation of new business opportunities in order to help the world become more connected. Carrier Community offers the industry a meeting place where members can share ideas, contacts and business information for the mutual benefit of all participants. It hosts annual networking events throughout the year such as Global Carrier Community Meetings in London, Singapore, Dubai and Berlin in 2014.

Sofia Connect is proud new member of Carrier Community Global Carrier Club and will attend the future event in Berlin, 14-17 September 2014.

Don’t miss it, don't miss us, lets talk for business and enjoy the Autumn in beautiful Berlin!

Support calls

Supervised operation by highly skilled network and system engineers.

Tel.: +359 242 00300

Working Hours:

*24 hours a day *7 days a week