Capacity Europe 2019 will welcome more than 2,500 attendees, representing 650+ companies aroung the globe. The 2019 event will enable trading and thought-leadership for the connectivity landscape including OTT & Content Providers, IXPs, ISPs, Data Centres, Cloud Service Providers, Investors, Network Providers, Law Firms, Consultancies, Government and Regulators and more.
Capacity Europe 2019 will take place from 28 to 31 October in London, UK, and Sofia Connect team will be there pursuing to develop new partnerships and extend existing ones.
Mr. Yuliy Nushev, the CEO of Sofia Connect will participate the event with readiness to discuss hot topics about business opportunities. Now you can arrange a meeting with Mr. Nushev by sending an email here.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Capacity Europe 2019!
More information about Capacity Europe 2019 you can find here.